
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hello everyone, I am going to get of my main subject, but will return soon with an update on my jewelry.
I would like to share a website I found it is called influenster and it is great, all they ask is that you try the products and then review them, I got my 1st box recently and it was a "mom vox" it has lots of free goodies that a mom would use or need, so here are the products I received and my reviews:
IVORY BAR SOAP: I don't usually use bar soap, and know I remember why, it left a film on your skin, and it felt iky, but smell great.
QUAKER SOFT BAKE oatmeal cookie: This cookie tasted great but was way to messy, probably because it was too soft.
STASH TEA: Very delicious, great hot or cold.
imPRESS PRESS-ON NAILS: These were very cool, they are easy to put on but did not last seen days.
DENTEK: These are awesome to carry in your purse, love these.
NEKTAR: I thought these were great, it is granulated honey! Great for tea and to sprinkle on fruit, I loved these too.

Well that's it for now, I hope you like my reviews and will be posting new jewelry pics sometime this week so stay posted.