So here I am 10 days until Rosarito Art Fest, and once again I find myself in a craze, trying to be free, creatively that is, I find myself second guessing my decisions and scratching half done work, maybe I feel a little more stress, not only because this event is in my home town, but because as a jewelry artist, dammit you get no respect, that's it I got it of my chest :) now on to some jewelry, all my pieces, are mostly copper and are drawn, cut, textured, hammered by hand, I would
Love your feedback, pin me, tweet me, Facebook me, please share me <3
P.S: blogging from my phone, let's see how this ends up :)

Copper Arrow©
Copper Shield and Glass pearls©
Hand Stamped etched Copper and Coral©
Copper Flower and Quartz©
Copper shield and Fresh water pearls©
Cartilage chain earring©
Cartilage chain earring©
This was a lighter, all internal flammable items removed, and added Copper handle©
Copper Butterfly and Agate stone©

Copper Flower and Cherry Quartz ©
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